Larraioz Elektronika is a reliable and prestigious company in industrial automation, mechatronics and robotics. Composed of a highly qualified team, Larraioz Elektronika provides the machine builder, system integrator and engineering team with high end solutions in the fields of motion, linear and rotary electric actuators, servo drives, industrial robotics, communications, industrial electronics and embedded CPUs.
Larraioz Elektronika is a reliable and prestigious company in industrial automation, mechatronics and robotics. Composed of a highly qualified team, Larraioz Elektronika provides the machine builder, system integrator and engineering team with high-end solutions in the fields of motion, linear and rotary electric actuators, servo drives, industrial robotics, communications, industrial electronics and embedded CPUs.
Do you want to automate and you don't know where to start?
Larraioz Elektronika es una empresa de contrastado prestigio y reputación en el área de la automatización industrial, mecatrónica y robótica. Formada por un equipo altamente cualificado, Larraioz Elektronika aporta al fabricante de maquinaria, integrador de sistemas e ingeniería soluciones en los campos de motion, actuadores eléctricos lineales y rotativos, servoaccionamientos, robótica industrial, comunicaciones, CPUs industriales y electrónica embebida.
We offer four different class of solutions for the various sectors in industrial applications
Industrial automation
A highly qualified team for the best support, advise and technical counselling during the life of the product.