Data Protection


In accordance with the application of the new General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), with application as of May 25th of 2018, and that replaces the one previously issued under the Organic Law of Data Protection 15/1999 (LODP), and with the Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, Larraioz Elektronika informs you that the personal data that you willingly provide will be included in an automated file, for which Larraioz Elektronika is responsible. This data will be used for the purpose and legal basis of maintaining and managing the relationship with the user, as well as supplying with the requested service and information. At the time of acceptance of these general conditions, LARRAIOZ Elektronika will require essential data collection for the delivery of its services, and will store it while the business relationship lasts or during the required years, to comply with the legal obligation.


Larraioz Elektronika commits not to assign, sell or share the data with third parties without your explicit approval, unless there is a legal obligation. Likewise, Larraioz Elektronika will cancel or modify the data when it is inaccurate, incomplete or is no longer necessary or relevant for its purpose, in accordance with the 15/1999 Organic Law of December 13th, on the Protection of Personal Data. Also, Larraioz Elektronika will handle the access and objection requests in accordance with the Organic Law. It will be considered personal data, amongst other data: the name, surname, telephone number, full address (kind of street, street name, floor, door, postal code, town, province), email address and username.


In the case that the request or service is signed by a legal entity, the given consent by the proxies or the licensed, for the purposes of article 21 of the 34/2002 Law, will be understood as given both in their own name and in the name of the represented legal entity.


Larraioz Elektronika adopts the security levels required by the Regulation of Security Measures approved by the 994/1999 Royal Degree, of June 6th. However, Larraioz Elektronika does not assume any responsibility for damages or losses derived from alterations that third parties may cause in the user’s computer system, electronic documents or files.


The customer will have, at all times, the possibility of using the following rights freely and completely free of charge: access to their personal data, delete it, oppose to certain processes, automated decision processing, limit data processing, withdraw a previously granted consent, data portability.


The user has the right to access the information that affects him, modify it if it is inaccurate or wrong, cancel it, or oppose to its treatment. This can be done through our data protection delegate, by email at:, or by a written communication addressed to Larraioz Elektronika, Francisco Aristeguieta Centro Tecnológico (FACT) GI-3162 (Zarautz – Urdaneta) km 2,2. E-20809 AIA (Gipuzkoa), Spain. Also, the claim can be filled with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001 Madrid (Spain).



Accuracy and truthfulness of the provided data


The user is the solely responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the data included, exonerating Larraioz Elektronika from any responsibility thereon. The user guarantees and answers, in any case, to the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the provided personal data, and agrees to keep it duly updated.


The user agrees to provide complete and accurate information in the registration, subscription or contact form. Larraioz Elektronika is not responsible for the accuracy of the information that is not of its own development and has another source, therefore it does not undertake any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of that information.


Larraioz Elektronika reserves its right to update, modify or delete the information in its website, and may limit or deny access to that said information. Larraioz Elektronika does not have any liability for any loss or damage that the user may suffer as a result of its own errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by Larraioz Elektronika, if this proceed from sources alien to Larraioz Elektronika.