Customized industrial controllers

Design and industrialization of programmable industrial CPUs according to machinery manufacturer specifications. The OEM defines the technical requirements and the roadmap for the life of the platform.



The machinery manufacturer needs automation and visualization devices to provide intelligence to its processes and act as an interface with the operator. In many cases, people tend to recur to conventional programmable robots of recognized international brands. However, the conventional product is not always the best solution for the manufacturer or engineering. Sometimes the machine process needs a special feature that requires the use of a high-end classic automat, although the rest of the equipment’s features are wasted.



larraioz elektronika customized render controladores industriales personalizados


Larraioz Elektronika designs and manufactures customized HMI, Panel PC or programmable industrial controllers solutions for the machinery manufacturer. The customer specifies beforehand the features of the product wanted and under those requirements it is industrialized, delivered and supported during the useful life of the device. Therefore, the machinery manufacturer not only owns its exclusive product that meets its specifications and holds a tailored supply life and service, but can also display its own brand image in front of the end user of the machine, something that hardly could be projected with standard automation and control products.


In Larraioz Elektronika we understand the customization needs of the HMI, Panel PC, or OEM programmable controller, and we provide solutions for them made in Larraioz Elektronika.


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