Dual Arm SCARA Robots

duAro Series Robots
2kg X 2 arm
Dual-arm SCARA collaborative robot, saves space, ease of introduction, coexistent operation with people, ease in teaching operation

duAro KawasakiDual-Armed SCARA Robot for Short-Life-Cycle Production

Robot with dual-armed structure that can fill needs for two-handed human labor with straightforward reproduction of the independent movement of two arms. The robot can easily fit in the space of a human and perform the work a human would with two arms. The body has two arms which extend horizontally from its trunk and move in sync. Also, it has collision detection and the ability to move slower near humans for safety. Thus, it can be installed right beside workers to work with them without worry.

Typical Applications:

  • Assembly
  • Material Handling
  • Sealing
  • Dispensing
  • Machine Tending
  • Material Removal

pdf Dual arm SCARA robot, brochure
pdf Kawasaki Product Overview

SeriesNumber of axesMax. payload (kg)Reach (mm)Repeatability
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